Wednesday, November 18, 2009

stocking up on tissues, vitamines and panadol

The Vancouver weather is really going to get me. In fact, it already got me - right yesterday. Having spent just another day in the rain I came home with a running nose and head ache which over night developed into a flu and all that comes with it: sinus and nose blocked, aches everywhere and feeling tired all day.

I finally managed to score a temporary job with adecco, signing me up for a job with VANOC, which today I had to cancel as it isn't advisable to go to work being sick. Right now there's kind of a panic about H1N1 here in British Columbia so nobody wants to have sick employers turning up at work. So I didn't and stayed in bed.

As mentioned earlier, weather is a bitch and out of 7 days it's raining 6. Whenever I get the chance to leave the house with my camera, I definitely do to take some shots and to avoid going insane. I also at least once a week meet up with a few Germans for coffee, breakfast or a drink and a bit of fun.

Ah and the good news is, I passed my BST exam with 85% what officially makes me a security worker now! Boo-ha!